Tuesday, August 22, 2006

People come and people go.. This has always been the reality of this world. Having knowing it, does that mean one can just brush his/her hair, murmur: “this is life...” and carry on with life without any tingling in the heart?


Most of the time, one will do a major reflection when some loved ones left. One will always ask oneself, “Have I done enough when they are around?” “Have I done enough when they are around?” “How have I been treating them?” All sorts of questions keep popping up which are normally against you..

It’s never enough, especially when it comes to treating someone with love.. It’s normal to feel the regret.. Don’t be too hard on yourself.. The fact that your emotions rushed up, reflected and teared, the person who left will be waving at you, with the most gracious smile..

It's always darkest during dusk.. After dusk, comes Sunrise.. =)


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